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Sunday Morning Worship - What God Creates is Good: Tending to the Earth (ONLINE ONLY)

At worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with each other, and we explore what it means to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God".

Please join us for the 4th week of our sermon series exploring Pilgrim’s Core Values. Rev. Colin Knapp is leading worship and preaching. We will also be celebrating World Communion Sunday. Our focus scripture is Genesis 1:1-2:4a.

God is good, what God creates is good, including us, we are proclaimed “very good.” Part of what it means to be human is to take care of what is good, what God creates, to help goodness flourish.

All are welcome to join us!

October 4

Sunday Adult Enrichment: THE UCC - Who we are & what we believe

October 4

Virtual Fellowship Time - Via Zoom!