Who we are
Pilgrim Is For Everyone
Pilgrim Congregational Church is a part of the United Church of Christ, a denomination that is raising its voice as an alternative vision of what the church can be. We teach a progressive Gospel where barriers of ethnicity, class, age, gender, and sexual orientation are torn down.
We are an open and affirming congregation that celebrates the diversity among us.
We are a congregation that welcomes immigrants and refugees.
We believe that every person has worth as a special and unique creation made in God's image. We experience God's reconciling love; in response, we seek to extend that love and acceptance by working towards justice for all people. In this spirit, our family of faith is open to all. If you believe in God some of the time, none of the time, or all of the time you are welcome here - to renew your mind and uplift your spirit.
Pilgrim is a Community
We believe that God's love is best experienced in the context of a community. All people are encouraged to participate fully in every aspect of our church's life and ministry, sharing in worship, fellowship, membership and leadership. We celebrate the variety of talents and perspectives which continue to enrich us as we journey together in this community of faith.
Pilgrim is Member of United Church of Christ
We are one of over 5000 congregations across the United States that belong to the United Church of Christ (UCC). With colonial-era beginnings going back to the Pilgrims in New England and German immigrants in Pennsylvania, the UCC is a church with deep roots in the American story. The UCC’s commitment to God’s mission in the world… to love and serve real people honestly in the midst of whatever their needs… has left the denomination deeply affected, even changed, by recent social movements and political challenges within the United States and the world.