
Adult Christian Education

Topic: “Day of Trans Visibility” 
Presenter: Lucy Nanney
Description: This presentation aims to clarify the many categories and labels for sex, gender, and sexuality. Did you know most plants in the Plant Kingdom are both male and female, like Easter lilies? Less than 10% have separate male and female plants. Some rare species can even change sex during their lifetimes. Knowing all these variations (plant or human) isn't necessary; this talk will help our cisgender friends understand the basics and appreciate the importance of detailed self-identification for individuals.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Rev. Lydia Mulke preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Multi-Generational Lenten Soup Meals

Lent this year began with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, March 5th. We will host the last of two Multi-Generational Lenten Soup-er Meals and Lenten programming on Monday, March 31. 6:00-6:30 Soup-er Supper followed at 6:30-7:30 Bread of Life programming.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Rev. Ramona Gant preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Voices of Hope Community Chorus Concert

We thank Pilgrim for the many years and many ways of support that the church and its members have given us and our predecessor chorus.   

Please join us for an uplifting musical experience while honoring the resilience of breast cancer survivors and those touched by the disease. Our program features gospel, country, Broadway, and contemporary songs that will raise your spirits and let your imagination soar. Together we will defy gravity, fly over the rainbow, to the top of the world and back home again.

To get your tickets today Click here Voices of Hope Spring Concert Tickets.
For more information about our chorus and our upcoming concerts, go to

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Resurrection Sunday Morning Worship

Everyone is cordially invited to join us in celebration on Easter Sunday! On April 20th, we commemorate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, the beacon of hope for humanity. Come and rejoice in love's triumph over the grave and embrace the promise of eternal life. We extend a heartfelt invitation to a special worship service, enriched with jubilant singing, inspiring preaching, sacred communion, and fervent prayer. Everyone is warmly welcomed!

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The Oak Park Farmers’ Market 50th Season Kick-Off

The Oak Park Farmers’ Market is embarking on its 50th season this summer! To kick off the anniversary, Oak Park River Forest Museum, 129 Lake St., in Oak Park, is hosting a panel discussion, featuring farmers, commissioners, musicians and our very own, Leslie Sutphen, talking about Pilgrim’s role in the market and our donut operation. The market has been held in the parking lot of Pilgrim Church since 1978.

Doors open at 10:30 a.m. for visitors to listen to the Farmers’ Market musicians, view market artifacts, and enjoy complimentary Pilgrim-made donuts (thanks to our Donut Committee!) The program will begin at 11 a.m. Admission is free. Hear how the market started with one farmer in 1976 and has grown into a beloved summer community event over the last five decades. (This year’s Farmers’ Market opens at 7 a.m. Saturday, May 17.)

The Farmers’ Market Commission will have 50th anniversary merchandise for sale. For more information, visit

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Rev. Hailey Braden Lynch preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “How to Pray” 
Presenter: Rev. David Loofbourrow + Panel
Description: A panel of speakers will discuss various types of prayer, such as meditation, contemplation, supplication, intersession, confession, and more. We will explore how prayer is a conversation with God – both speaking and listening, individually and in groups – and how we exercise our spiritual power by blessing, laying on of hands and healing.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Ben Lynch will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “What is Healing Prayer” 
Presenter: The Deacons’ Ministry
Description: Pilgrim’s Deacons will each share the purpose of the ministry, about the opportunity for healing prayer each Sunday, what happens when you pray with a deacon, and their roles in life of our church. There will be time for everyone to ask questions, both in the presentation and small groups.

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Multi-Generational Lenten Soup Meals

Lent this year begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, March 5th. We will host two Multi-Generational Lenten Soup-er Meals and Lenten programming during the Month of March. 6:00-6:30 Soup-er Supper followed at 6:30-7:30 Bread of Life programming.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “World Day of Prayer” 
Presenter: Jennifer Burney
Description: The origins of the World Day of Prayer date back to the 19th century when Christian women of United States and Canada initiated a variety of cooperative activities by and for women’s involvement in missions at home and around the world. We will learn about the history and work of this group, as well as participate in this year’s focus on the women of the Cook Islands.

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Handel Week Concert

Classical music lovers: This Sunday at 3 pm at Pilgrim Church, the Handel Week Festival concludes with a seldom-performed but gorgeous Handel oratorio, sung in the original English. Four stellar soloists accompanied by chorus and orchestra will make this an afternoon of musical splendor. Tickets available at the door or at

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Tom Montgomery Fate preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “The Long Way Home” 
Presenter: Special Guest Tom Montgomery Fate
Description: Author and teacher Tom Montgomery Fate, professor emeritus at College DuPage in Glen Ellyn, will share passages and discussion from his book "The Long Way: Detours and Discoveries", a travel memoir that ventures from his small-town upbringing to vastly different cultures around the globe.

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Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Chancel Choir rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, September through May. All voice parts are welcome! If you’re interested or have questions contact, Dr Wilbert O. Watkins at wilbert.o.watkins

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Handel Week Concert

Classical music lovers: The Handel Week Festival continues at Pilgrim Church this Sunday at 3 pm, with an intimate afternoon of Handel’s secular love cantatas for mezzo soprano, accompanied by harpsichord and cello, plus two magnificent sonatas for solo violin. Tickets available at the door or at 

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “Bring Your Gifts” - The Gift of Love
Presenter: Rev. David Loofbourrow
Description: At the end of the day, Jesus teaches us to “love one another.” We will look at several gospel stories that illustrate the effects of love-generating gifts to discover how we walk can walk in that example.

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Pilgrim’s Women’s Book Group

Pilgrim’s Women’s Breakfast will hosted by Cristine Vesely. If you plan on attending, let Cristine know by emailing or call 708-209-7026. (1142 S. Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park). Bring your favorite dish or beverage to share.

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Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Chancel Choir rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, September through May. All voice parts are welcome! If you’re interested or have questions contact, Dr Wilbert O. Watkins at wilbert.o.watkins

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Handel Week Concert

Classical music lovers: The 2025 Handel Week Festival starts this Sunday in the sanctuary at Pilgrim Church, presenting virtuoso sacred music for soprano and orchestra by G.F .Handel and Bach, plus two of Handel’s organ concertos. Join us at 3 pm for an afternoon of radiant music-making! Additional concerts will take place at Pilgrim on Sunday Feb. 23 and Sunday March 1. Tickets available at the door or at 

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Rev. Ramona Gant preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: Strategies on Being an Ally - Part 2
Presenter: Karin Grimes and Bruce Cox
Description: Join SCOR (Sacred Conversation on Race) to discuss your thoughts about the January 19th presentation on becoming an effective social justice ally and follow up on your homework discussion with a partner.

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Women’s Breakfast

Pilgrim’s Women’s Breakfast will hosted by Cristine Vesely. If you plan on attending, let Cristine know by emailing or call 708-209-7026. (1142 S. Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park). Bring your favorite dish or beverage to share.

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Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Chancel Choir rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, September through May. All voice parts are welcome! If you’re interested or have questions contact, Dr Wilbert O. Watkins at wilbert.o.watkins

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “Life after Incarceration”
Presenter: Bruce Cox
Description: It is estimated that 95% of the people who enter incarceration will be released at some point. Some will be released after a short sentence and some after much longer sentences. The question is, what does their life look like after their release? Have they paid their “debt to society” and will they be given another chance or will they serve a permanent sentence for the rest of their lives? Let’s unpack this dilemma and our own attitudes.

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Pilgrim annual meeting

Pilgrim Congregational Church will hold its annual business meeting on February 8 at 9-11 am, in person. You are invited to participate and to guide important Church matters, including the church's 2025 budget, election of officers and Council members and more. Council looks forward to seeing you there.

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Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Chancel Choir rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, September through May. All voice parts are welcome! If you’re interested or have questions contact, Dr Wilbert O. Watkins at wilbert.o.watkins

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and Rev. Gloria Cox preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Men’s Breakfast

The next Men's Breakfast will be at Pilgrim Church. All who identify as men are invited. Please bring yourself and a dish to share, hope to see you there!   

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Rev. Colin Knapp will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Adult Christian Education

Topic: “BRING YOUR GIFTS” – ‘There are various gifts…’
Presenter: Rev. David Loofbourrow
Description: Through a review of 1 Corinthians 12, we will explore the many ways and forms “gifts” may take. Gifts of money are only one of a myriad ways we can share with the world, community, church and even ourselves.

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Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Jenny Burney will be leading worship and preaching from the biblical text. In worship we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action. Come as you are.

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Upcoming events