At Pilgrim Congregational Church, the Ministry of Christian Education seeks to partner with our families on their spiritual journey. We strive to offer a fulfilling worship experience for all children and youth during morning worship and beyond through education, outreach, and multi-generational events.
Morning Worship
Children are an important part of our life together and are always welcome in our worship service. We offer welcome activity bags and books for our youth in the back of the sanctuary. On most Sundays, worship begins with children in the sanctuary. Following the Children’s message that engages all ages, the youth ages 4-12 are invited to move to the Chapel for CONNECT. CONNECT is our weekly Sunday school programming experience where our dedicated teaching staff shares God’s love and calling through scripture, story, crafts, and other activities. CONNECT is offered each Sunday from September through mid-May. During the summer, we offer a 6-week Summer CONNECT series.
Nursery Care
Nursery care is available during worship for children 5 and under. Our professional and caring staff begin receiving children prior to the start of Adult Enrichment, and children may be taken to the nursery at any point before or during the service, as needed.
Special Events
Pilgrim offers a variety of opportunities throughout the year to participate in scheduled multi-generational events and youth-only events. Refer to our webpage carousel and events page for new monthly events. Below, you will find the ongoing events that we currently offer each year listed.
Lenten midweek Multi-generational dinner and worship (4-part series)
A simple meal is followed by a Lenten story, scripture, and activities for all ages.
Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast
Easter morning begins with a potluck breakfast at 9:30 AM, followed by an egg hunt for children and youth out on the front lawn.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, typically in the month of July, we offer an evening program for ages 3-12 free of charge. Each night features, under the designated theme for the year, bible stories, scripture, theater, science, cooking, crafts, and games.
Power Hour
From May through October, the Pilgrim grounds are home to the Oak Park Farmers Market every Saturday from 7:00 am - 1:00 pm. During the months of June, August, and October at 9:30, Pilgrim hosts in our building a secular-themed storytelling, craft, and movement opportunity for ages 2-10. There is no RSVP or fee required. Just join us!
Christmas Pageant
Each Advent season, we share a Multi-generational re-telling of the Nativity story during our morning worship. This joyful service features spiritual narration, costuming, fun staging, and wonderful music.