Meet the Deacons

Our main commitment to the congregation is to pray.

Anyone who joins Pilgrim is assigned a Deacon and placed on that Deacon’s care list. Deacons routinely contact those members in person, via phone, or by email. One deacon is available for individual prayer after each Sunday service. Watch for the deacon with a stole that goes forward to the front pew of the sanctuary during the postlude.


One of our essential duties is to capture prayers from those attending the service. This is done by recording the spoken prayers from Sunday service, gathering the written prayer requests from the prayer box, and receiving the prayer requests from the website. Once a week, a Deacon prays for every request. In addition, we have offered sessions to the congregation on the topic of grief and will continue to do so.


We partner with the Ministry of Christian Community to provide meals to any member who is in need, often after surgery. Speaking with your Deacon is an excellent place to start if you need meals.


Deacons assist Pastor Colin in pastoral care. We also prepare and assist Pastor Colin in serving communion. In addition, we assist Pastor Colin in securing emergency pastoral care coverage in his absence.


An annual retreat is held to educate ourselves to serve the congregation better spiritually.


Deacons meet monthly to update the ongoing list of concerns and joys and pray for those requests. In addition, time is scheduled to share a devotional and prayer to begin the meeting. There is discussion on improving ministry to those mentioned on individual care lists. Finally, plans are made for future ministry offerings, retreats, and general services to the membership of the church.