The Green Team is about the environment, about faith and about Justice for our neighbors.
We work with all ministries of the church to help lower our impact on the environment as a congregation and as individuals. We are Pilgrims supporting other members as we connect our love for God and concern for the earth with the justice issues involved as the burden of climate change impacts the poor throughout the world.
Our first and ongoing project has been to move to “Zero Waste” in events such as the Food Truck Rally and fellowship times at the church. By composting much of the waste we have greatly reduced what is sent to landfills. We continue to offer challenging opportunities for Pilgrims to learn, grow and take action through Adult Education and through Mission Moments in worship. We have been active in the local Interfaith Green Team Network and the statewide Faith in Place. Through these efforts, we continue to impact the community and beyond to bring about change for our earth.