Learn and grow. Explore your faith. meet new people. build connections.
Pilgrim offers many ways for adults to interact and grow in relationship with one another as they grow in faith in God. Whether it’s a Sunday morning Adult education class, a midweek Bible study, a special panel presentation, or a discussion group, we hope you will dive right in and get involved. All of these opportunities are designed to cultivate a richer faith journey and encourage a deeper engagement with our wider world.
Sunday Morning Adult Enrichment
Normally meeting in the chapel on Sunday mornings from September to May, it is a time for adults to come together and gather strength for the journey, from God and from each other. A wide variety of topics are covered, ranging from spiritual growth and wellness practices to presentations on contemporary issues both global and local. We meet in the Chapel, 9:30-10:15 AM. Please come join us sometime!
Sunday Evening Adult Bible Study
This adult study group meets regularly on Sunday evenings. A variety of topics are covered in a multi-week series format. The study sessions center on specific books, readings, videos, etc. Each study opportunity provides time for group discussion at the weekly gatherings.
Mid-week Bible Study - Gather @ Pilgrim
Gather, a progressive faith community in Austin-Oak Park is a Fellowship of Affirming Ministries church in an “affirming relationship” with the UCC. Under the leadership of Rev. Tim Wolfe, they typically meet on Thursday evenings at Pilgrim for a refreshing, relevant look at biblical texts, and they are delighted to have us join them. Currently, they are meeting via Zoom. All are welcome!