Worship Livestream
Click on the image below to access our Worship livestream
If you would like to give an offering to Pilgrim, please click on the button below. You can donate funds electronically using a credit card or bank account through our payment provider Tithe.ly. We encourage you to create a Tithe.ly account. This will allow you to donate using the Tithe.ly app as well as keep track of donation records and payment methods. For more information about giving, please click here.
If you would like to know more about Pilgrim Congregational Church, please click on the button below.
Prayer Requests
If you would like to submit a prayer request, please click the button below. Your request will be forwarded to Senior Pastor Colin Knapp.
How can I view past worship services?
While our Sunday worship services are streamed live on YouTube, you can always explore our YouTube channel to view past services.