WORSHIP services
In worship, we celebrate our relationship with God, we strengthen our relationship with one another, and we explore what it means to put our faith into action.
Sunday Worship
Our Sunday worship service is grounded in the Christian tradition and open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. We gather as the body of Christ. We sing and pray together. We seek forgiveness and greet one another in peace. We read from the Bible and ponder its message for us today. Twice a month, we celebrate Holy Communion. In our words and actions, we strive to affirm and include a widely diverse community.
Our Communion table is open to all. Whether you come to table every week, or you haven’t been in a long time, you are welcome to partake of Holy Communion with us.
Music at Pilgrim is an exploration and continuation of who we are as a community. From Brahms to spirituals, from extravagant organ flourishes to gentle guitar, from glorious vocal solos to bell choir, music lifts our spirits and centers our prayers. We would love to have your voice and talents join ours in worship.
Children are an important part of our life together. We cherish children. Our Children’s Message engages ages from two to 102 and often includes stories, prayers, and the occasional special effect. We lead with love and we teach with love.
Worship is in-person as well as streamed live online. Masks at this time are optional.
To view past Sunday Worship Services, click here to visit our YouTube Channel.