“Ministry is responding to the “Unexpected”. The Holy Spirit is the intruder on our order and challenges us.”
Please join Rev. Jane Ann Moore for an engaging and timely reflection on Jane Ann’s career in ministry, facilitated by Debbie Kent. Throughout her career she sought to balance the sacred with secular reality, providing thoughtful inspiration for how we might address the challenges we’re facing today.
“In 1952, just seven years after World War II ended, Yale Divinity School was concerned with Evil personified by Hitler. How could he capture a Christian Germany? But as a student at Y.D.S, I was focused on how to rebuild world societies. I was rescued when “unexpectedly” a new professor arrived teaching how to analyze and change structures - economic, political, racial, social. That course shaped my future ministry. Did it bear any fruits? How did the “unexpected” invade my ministry to change anything? I have a few “unexpected” stories to share with you.”
Rev. Jane Ann Moore
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Meeting ID: 940 3420 4469
Passcode: 048056