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Gather in September

You are invited to Gather’s September Study. This will explore themes from Where the Spirit Is by Shea Watts who will be joining us in our Thursday evening gatherings.   

The book asks: What role does emotional affect play in spiritual and personal freedom? How do embodied ritual and worship become liberating practices? Is genuine Pentecostal expression relevant?

And the author argues that “Pentecostalism was and is informed by Black, queer, female, and other voices often silent or rendered invisible. Without this representation, Pentecostalism is simply one tradition among many co-opted and appropriated for the ongoing colonial projects of the modern Western world.”

The book is available to order through booksellers and Amazon.  Or as an ebook through  Kindle, Kobo, and Scribd. Join us each Thursday at 7:30pm. Gather’s Zoom link Click here.

September 20

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

September 22

Friday Bible Study