Pilgrim Congregational Church is a diverse community of Christians who come together to worship God and put our faith into action. Through God's call, we center in the Gospel, care for each other, and foster social justice. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

IN-PERSON worship is held in the Sanctuary & LIVE-STREAMED!
Please CLick here to watch our worship live-stream

Join us for our joyous Multi-generational Christmas pageant

Sunday, December 15th at 10:30

Support community of congregations Holiday food and gift basket program

This year, the Holiday Food and Gift Basket program anticipates serving nearly 800 families totaling more than 2,100 individuals, and the success of our program depends on the generosity of community members like you.

There are three ways to get involved: 1) sponsor a family! 2) Make a donation. 3) Volunteer

For more information on how to get involved, click here.

Christmas eve worship December 24, 5 PM

All are welcome to join us for a lovely service of lessons and carols as we celebrate the incarnation of our God.

upcoming Events


Do you need prayer? Are you looking for support during a difficult time in your life? Would you like to speak to a pastor or deacon? Click here to learn more about we can support you.


Click here to view an archive of current and past sermons.


The benefits of a generous life are demonstrative, verifiable and authentic. At the end of the day we seem to be hard-wired to give. That’s the way God created us. God, the original giver, the one who held nothing back invites us to participate in the joy of giving.