Pilgrim Congregational Church is a diverse community of Christians who come together to worship God and put our faith into action. Through God's call, we center in the Gospel, care for each other, and foster social justice. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

IN-PERSON worship is held in the Sanctuary & LIVE-STREAMED!
Please CLick here to watch our worship live-stream

Rev. Lydia Mulkey Preaching this Sunday, March 30

Rev. Lydia Mulkey, is the Associate Pastor of Education at First United Church of Oak Park. Lydia began at First United in 2016 after serving United Church of Christ congregations in California. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Pacific School of Religion and has a passion for creating safe and healthy environments where people of all ages, members of the LGBTQ community, and all those on the margins can learn the sacred stories that bind us together, find a sense of identity within those stories, and gather courage to write the next chapter. She loves to make music and has worked in church music and in music education. In her time off, you’ll find her gathered around a table of friends, eating good food, telling stories, and playing board games.

Multi-Generational Soup-er Supper Lenten Event Monday, March 31, 2025, 6:00 PM

Join us for our Multi-Generational Soup-er Supper Lenten Event. The evening will feature a Soup meal from 6:00 to 6:30, followed by a Lenten story/conversation and an OUTREACH opportunity to put together care bags for TaskForce Chicago LGBTQ Center. Please RSVP to Maureen at maureen.deahl@pilgrimoakpark.org by March 26th.

Easter! Sunday, April 20, 10:30 Am

Everyone is cordially invited to join us in celebration on Easter Sunday! On April 20th, we commemorate the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, the beacon of hope for humanity. Come and rejoice in love's triumph over the grave and embrace the promise of eternal life. We extend a heartfelt invitation to a special worship service, enriched with jubilant singing, inspiring preaching, sacred communion, and fervent prayer. Everyone is warmly welcomed!

upcoming Events


Do you need prayer? Are you looking for support during a difficult time in your life? Would you like to speak to a pastor or deacon? Click here to learn more about we can support you.


Click here to view an archive of current and past sermons.


The benefits of a generous life are demonstrative, verifiable and authentic. At the end of the day we seem to be hard-wired to give. That’s the way God created us. God, the original giver, the one who held nothing back invites us to participate in the joy of giving.